https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicol%C3%A1s_Mor%C3%A1s so let me put it another way. I knew that page for years and I knew it was a 'legitimate' page by wikimierda's own 'standards' - that's why it was there for ~7 years. So I thought it would be easy to show that wikipedia had a particular page for 7 years and then deleted it out of the blue. I was pretty surprised when I found out that there no references to that page in archive.org-NSA-GCHQ. Whatever previous snapshots archive.org.NSA.GCHQ had, they went down the memory hole. Notice how the only way to find out about details regarding the operation of wikimierda-NSA, archive.org-NSA, tor-NSA and all the rest of cyberwarfare projects that americunts produce is by having a HUMAN looking at them. Automation here is meaningless. ps: notice how the worthless piece of fascist shit shawn quinn explcitly rewrites my messages. Infinite self parody.