On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 05:15:06AM +0800, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
pouring gasoline over the kulak's children and setting them on fire to force the kulak to reveal where he buried the seed corn.
On 25/01/2018 00:40, \0xDynamite wrote:
That makes no sense. Are you against socialist stuctiures?
Venezuela, North Korea, etc.
No lessons have been learned. The overwhelming majority of those escaping from Venezuela to other countries vote for more of what is happening in Venezuela.
Having devoured Venezuela, they flee to countries where there is still stuff to steal, and vote to be allowed to steal stuff. Being allowed to steal stuff means that nothing gets produced, hence the condition of Venezuela, North Korea, etc.
The only solution is that we cannot let those kind of people vote, we have to restrict their freedom of movement, we have to systematically demonize covetousness and envy, and we have to punish the politics of covetousness and envy, the activists of covetousness and envy, by death. Anyone preaching that group x is worse off because group y is well off, preaching that the cure is collective action by group x to stop group y from being well off, organizing collective action for group y’s stuff to be distributed to group x, has to be executed. We just have to kill leftists – not all the followers, but we have to lower the status of the followers to sinful worthless stupid nasty subhuman trash, and kill all the leaders. Nuke leftism from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.
As Jordan Peterson points out, that "kill everyone in group X" has been tried a few times in the 20th C. - and the leftist Marxists were best at it. I would (seriously) prefer a less violent transition out of this global shithole-mess we seem to be in. Re your assertion "The only solution is that we cannot let those kind of people [neo-Marxists] vote", perhaps limit voting to those who are employed? I know there are no obvious silver bullets, and every potential part of a solution will require much consideration of the interactions with other parts of the system, but it's hard to imagine anything other than another great war if we fail to institute "new" principles, such as from The Ant and the Grasshopper: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ant_and_the_Grasshopper (Yes some folks are genuinely disabled and the consequent "social safety net" is humane - and not all problems have to be immediately solved in order to avoid another great war.)