I. Business Affiliations of Techsprint Registrants The Department is withholding the business affiliations of Techsprint registrants pursuant to Public Officers Law § 87(2)(b), which provides an exemption from disclosure for records or portions thereof that, “if disclosed, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy under the provisions of subdivision two of section eighty-nine of this article.” ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: JeanBaptiste, Pascale (DFS) <Pascale.JeanBaptiste@dfs.ny.gov> Date: Fri, Jun 4, 2021, 1:31 PM Subject: FOIL Request No. 2021-085728 (Larson) To: G@xNY.io <G@xny.io> Cc: Garrett, Carmen (DFS) <Carmen.Garrett@dfs.ny.gov> Dear Mr. Larson: Please see the attached determination in response to your FOIL request. Thank you.