To follow up, I never received a reply here. This seems to happen with a lot of my e-mails. Also my voicemails. I'll try reaching out to somebody else. On 2/1/21, Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi friendly UNODC,
Today is Freedom Day in the USA, the day slavery was formally abolished in my country.
I was wondering if you have any resources for helping victims of human trafficking for people who are in other countries.
The NGO database site seems to be down: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/ngos/NGO-Database.html
Is there maybe a PDF that people are using until the database is repaired?
Additionally, I have software engineering and system administration skills and know others who do too, if you can organise volunteer help repairing your database at all.
Thank you, Karl Semich