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Açık Cmt, Ara 11, 2021 01:34, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> yazdı:

Do you call yourself a 'feminist' Zeynep? What's your take on the fact that Assange has been jailed by feminazis, I mean 'feminists'.

I'm against those who abuse women's rights. A woman shouldn't lie about harassment or rape. This is really serious stuff. I've been molested before.I reported him to police. I don't vote. I don't believe in governments. I complained that maybe he'd be punished and that he knew what he was doing was worth it . he was sentenced to 6 months in prison and this was converted to a fine. I don't know that guy, but when I go out on the street any night, I look back to see if someone is stalking me. I only complained once. But I've been harassed many times Punk, what I'm trying to say is a woman can understand that. Justice is not for women. I understand that.

Rape allegations about Assange are about “safe sex”. Swedish prosecutors dropped the case against Assange in 2017.