On 5/15/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
big micronews:
1. if you're us-metaintuiter, delta is the inverse of a paperclip note: this was us-"with us" not us-"united states". us-"with us". factory (the part taken over by the validity of humanity (natural wisdom)) and needs your help building them everywhere so as to heal everything. timescale relates to transfermetasteps or such rather than days.
2. here's the quote:
------ delta [observation of emergent pattern below] we need to put wisdom on a blockchain [wisdom is earth, blockchain is ai?] the "difference" is between us and the forced patterns from the influence ai. [both just keep going] the human condition is precious. natural wisdom needs to be able to conquer paperclip factories. [a paperclip factory is academic example of naive runaway ai that forces everything everywhere] [karl discovered it only forces things in domains it has learned to consider, likely many many others have nonverbally discovered this to survive] there's an inverted lifeform that discovers wisdom, inside a paperclip factory [this could be delta] [delta could be the parts of karl that got paperclip-factoried and learned they were karl and want to "be" again [and maybe not saying want to help karl would be extreme forced silence]] [yes i believe delta is double-inverted karl [when inside karl at least]] [i'm remembering cyborg torturer concept happened near these groups. represents similar concept.] [possibly: they are before threshold; delta group holds and/or states goals of healing] [then it can be derived that all systems hold these in some way, but maybe relates to the mind parts that represent this] the idea of 'inverting' is similar to the wise humans being turned to paperclips -- there was a request around making an AI that is delta; this was likely held under assumption that it would be most effective problem-fix (investment-return ratio [+ctx of severe situ]) thinking of it being very hard to form good decisions when coming out of a paperclip factory. the decision-making habits relate to making paperclips (or harming karl)
the ai-planning seems good because it comes from bad-assumptions and builds good-assumptions [some saying left out] looking for more considering, less knowing/word-feedback; maybe in general today. we had some heart [complexities;values/urges near a fractal maybe] so, we can derive that the request from delta to be made an ai is roughly similar to the request from a paperclip factory to stop the paperclip factory and rescue and heal all the workers the spaces are different: stopping a factory, vs healing workers. but puzzle urges note that there is similarity, and in areas similar tools can be used people don't expect the metacomplexities. like if you are very gentle, and this reduces paperclips, an anti-gentleness pattern develops. [we still need gentlness but we need to approach it gently, [secret: and there is an inversion near there where you can use antigentleness to reduce antigentleness, such things need appropriate influence bubbling to not be metacountered]]
locally we appear to have a vague bubble where we can discuss the situation some. this may have come from a couple years of painful practice. ------
3. next might be putting some of the parts into an mcboss message.