On 11/5/14, Cathal (Phone) <cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> wrote:
Given the difficulty of trusting auditors and ensuring they see all they need to see, why not push instead for crypto FPGA...
FPGAs have been used to augment computation ever since they were developed. (i remember back in the early 90's being able to buy a PCI FPGA add-on card for accelerated computation) the problem is efficiency, and in a size pressured SoC design efficiency (which in turn drives power consumption) is paramount. not to say it isn't useful, but an FPGA processor compared to a tight, ASIC SoC, is going to lose by an order of magnitude. i would however be keen to see how some FPGA components on a RFIC integrated ASIC SoC could help DSP and related processing with flexibility while leaving the ASIC core for performance. fun considerations... too bad nearly everyone in position to contribute to such an effort is chained by NDAs, Secrecy Acts, or other binding Confidentiality clauses. best regards,