This is quite some interesting history, pointers on how to instigate a [color] revolution (although this amateur attempt evidently failed), and the "painting" of such planned events both before and after the (planned) public event. Quite stunning historical and contemporary comparison, and worthy material for a movie script to boot... and I suggest this as the Movie name: Soros' Last Gasp :D Note though that this particular piece with its various bits of translated Russian, is a little rough around the edges, so a little bit more mental work required. The piece de resistance in this rivetting saga is that the guts of the exposure of this literal Shoah Psy-op, was citizens investigators, in this case, cyphery punkery types in Russia. Go the Russkie cypherpunks! Just like CNN and their JQ promotion, this is real, actual, happening live events! Absolutely amazing time to be alive. Enjoy, ** Bloody Monday: Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed Moscow radio station editor http://russiafeed.com/bloody-monday-grandnephew-of-gulag-organizer-stabbed-m...