This conversation reminds me of this:

9:18 AM, August 23, 2016, Cecilia Tanaka <>:
Tsk, tsk...  Men are very strange.  In one day, I am "honey".  In another, I am a "criminal".  :D
I never answered before, but yes, I am single.  And when I receive messages like yours, I am completely sure that I really want to be single, wohooo!!!  :D
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ben 0wned" <>
Date: Aug 5, 2016 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: Anarchist Bibliography, please? (was Re: Deconstructing an Institutional Slander...)
To: <>

Hi Cecilia honey. Are you single?

-------- Original Message --------
On Aug 5, 2016, 3:28 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

Wow, lots of lovely references!!!  Thank you with all my heart!!!  (*-*)  <3  <3  <3
Tender kisses and warm hugs!!! 
Much love and deep gratitude from Brazil!!!  <3
Ceci  (づ• - •)づ♥ 

You’re not from the Castle, you’re not from the village, you are nothing. Unfortunately, though, you are something, a stranger.