On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 12:09:39AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote: ..
There are even possibilities that the USA, having drawn down from and handed over a few military bases in Iraq (to the Iraqis), might see the wisdom in something of a debt jubilee and release Iraq from the interest payments for the war debt - the conqueror/USA, demands of its now client state Iraq, financial reparations - this is the spoils of war, literally - to continue suppression of Iraq at this point appears somewhat petty, self defeating, and demonstrative of an ugly and arrogant bully rather than a nation of moral standing.
[[One of the eternal problems the empath human faces is his tendency to project the existence of empathy upon others (such as upon sociopathic bankers), and worse, upon systems/governments (such as upon the empire/regime of the day), and further, to assume that not only does empathy exist in that upon which it is projected, but also that therein exists a will to exercise empathy.]] So lets throw that empathy bullshit out the window. Where empathy doth fail, greed reigns supreme :)) Take 2, muffas, with a quick and dirty, I mean efficient and very clean, 3 step re-solution: 1. Iraq keeps their dinar low, as this keeps them below the threshold above which they are required to make war debt interest payments (to the IMF/USA). 2. Iraq may also erroneously consider that they have an interest in keeping their dinar low, or least, for it to not get "too high". 3. The IMF/USA can kill two brown birds with the one patriotic stone and offer to dispense with "war debt interest payments", if but only if, Iraq keeps their dinar above a certain value, say $6.66 to the Australian dollar - to state the obvious, you don't want your currency pegged to a fixed (or minimum "at least") value against a currency (the US dollar) which is about to collapse .. -that- would be hysterical :D So with this simple 3 step plan, actually just a one step plan since the first two steps are obvious facts and not actually part of the plan, the USA can be seen to be magnanimous, generously waiving Iraq's interest payments, and simultaneously ensuring Iraq ends up with a strong currency which is just so vital to the rebuilding of that brown skin "bombed to the stone age" nation. Thankfully most people but remember the most recent flippant media grabline and forget all about the dirty, dirty past. And here's the best part: it's a -yuge- win for Iaq! Why? because of course when their dinar is sky high, they will have no problem quickly paying off their war debt for --literally-- pennies on the dollar! AND they can readily purchase building supplies, generators and everything else they need in order to rebuild their nation. What's not to love, muh lovin, carin muffaluckas :D Repeat after me: We have a new agenda, let's rebuild a moral standing for the USA, notwithstanding. Did I mention "notwithstanding"? ;-P