distract people so you can take power.
That's exactly what election campaigns of democracy are... lies, FUD, distractions, fraud... so that the campaigners and the people they tricked into giving themselves up to them, usually under promises of glory and faux care, can insert themselves in power and force themselves on top of everyone else.
My country's a democracy
It's a tyrannical shithole, with this ridiculous fantasy known as democracy as the chief tyrant, propped up by 100M's of brainwashed fools now praying every day for more ways and opportunities to subjugate their rights and responsibilities and the very being of themselves... to others. That's sad.
so hopefully we can just elect you
Hoping to put and exert yourself, and or via someone else as your proxy henchmen, to perform deadly force over others who are clearly not performing deadly force over others... is not cool.
cause a civil war
That's exactly what results from elections and democracy, civil wars to remove the tyrrany that is democracy, all of them in history, thus all of them in the future. History is telling you that democracy is broken and cannot be fixed... so stop repeating that stupid model. Even the cryptos, anarchists, libertarians, voluntaryists, NAP'ers, etc told you that but you refuse to accept that fact, to even open your mind, to move yourself even one bit toward adopting what they have discovered, to even elect them or any of the concepts into the office of your brain, let alone to any other office that may help such transition. Throw out your tired civil wars and the tyranny known as democracy. Try peace, love, and anarchy instead.