On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
Old Farts have major problems wrapping their heads around the concept that a world where privacy is shrinking fast and expected to nearly disappear is a Good Thing. People who grew up with the Interet, not so much.
Probably because Old Farts lived a conscious period of years where the only remote connection to any other human being was via voice telephone or snail mail, and even then it was between family and business situations, not amongst masses of new randoms. They were, and knew, the mechanisms and value of real in-person humanity and its associated lines. It was only in the 1990's that masses of people began to encounter the internet hands on, mostly at school. Such that anyone today under 30 years old did not have any non internet period of conscious. They therefore have no basis on which to evaluate the huge shift they were born into and the ongoing change being foisted upon them. Surveillance, databasing, DNA, drones, lack of privacy, etc... all being dropped upon humans in under 30 years... is going to have massive impact upon the evolutionary biological nature of humans and humanity that we simply cannot comprehend, predict, or control... some of it will be good. But as when someone jams a camera in your face... these types of things are biological stressors... which are generally bad, even if and after the pressure is removed. Old Farts know and lived history, some literally before the transistor... and they are perfectly well capable of telling you exactly what's goin on. Only question is, are you brave enough to ask, to behold, to comprehend the answer... and what are you going to do with what they tell you? Some of them are probably on youtube talking or being interviewed about it... both good and bad.