On 09/20/2015 06:54 AM, hellekin wrote:
On 09/14/2015 07:51 PM, Blibbet wrote:
RMS doesn't seem to care for Open Source Hardware, just Free Software
That's not true. He cares a lot. But he has a lot on his plate with free software already. The RYF program of the FSF is proof that he cares. But FSF still is a *small* organization, with a large battlefield.
Sigh, I meant to say "Free Hardware", not "Free Software" above.... My comment was based on last time I saw video of RMS talk about hardware, ignored existing HW licensing, and only mentioned his newer Free Hardware concept. No mention to existing Open Source Hardare (OSHWA) license, just mentioned GPL. I wonder if there's any way FSF can work WITH OSHWA and not ignore them. I'm worried that if the Free HW and Open HW divide, that's fewer resources in tiny non-Closed HW niche. It seems they're the BSD of hardware, and you can just declare them Free and GPL them when you touch it. IMO, FSF could do with a lot more clear Free Hardware guidance to OEMs/IHVs, including RYF. I hope FSF, Linux Foundation, and others get serious about funding it. Most OEMs/IHVs won't touch GPL hardware, they still use the IP model, and blobs are normal to them. I'd LOVE to see a press release from FSF and OSHWA saying they're working together to create a spectrum of non-closed hardware, from Open Source Hardware Association-licensed HW to GPL-licensed Free Hardware, getting OSHWA to back the FSF RYF program. Perhaps come up with a logo that clarifies Closed/Open/Free nature of the HW, as well as mentioning the firmware it uses. I should be seeing regular, weekly spam from FSF reminding people to fund a variety of new CrowdSupply.com-funded hardware, like USBArmory, Novena, and other hardware. I recall seeing one press release from FSF asking for Replicant help; OSMOCOMBB or an SDR equivalent is needed. A wifi solution is needed. Right now, it seems the org leading the way for Open/Free Hardware designs is the Open Compute Project, and it is only targeting enterprise hardware, no privacy-respecting hardware. Community is offering little advise to vendors, as previous post in thread suggested. Someone from FSF should give a talk on Free Hardware at Embedded Linux Conference, HotChips, and other places where OEMs/IHVs attend.