Juan FINALLY confirmed as CIA trained asset! I knew it, I just KNEW it :D (No, not our bastard child of the baal gods :) That OTHER Juan (now we know there are at least 2 Juans in this world): Venezuelan Ambassador Spills the Beans on Guido Fake President’s CIA Training https://dailystormer.name/venezuelan-ambassador-spills-the-beans-on-guido-fa... https://russia-insider.com/en/venezuelan-ambassador-russia-explains-how-and-... Guiajo: Dude, we iz Kangzulpoltl an sheeeit! CIA: NO muffaluggerah! You be puppet president and sheeit! And dontchoo forgettit or you bee eatin' muh BALLS muffaluggerah! On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 07:22:52PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Analysis of CIA coups over the last 20 years: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/neocons-have-been-destroying-sovereign...
Rah rah rah! Go America!
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 08:30:16PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Bloody indictments all around, the usual CIA dish served on disunited people the world over.
Now waiting on the USA's chief Hissing Weazel to scream in the UN about Venezuelan democracy in 3 .. 2 ..
This is a succinct, link packed (and well referenced) article on the "democracy" situation in south America's Venezuela.
Sad world continues.
Exorcising the ‘Popular Will’: How Venezuela can reclaim its democracy http://theduran.com/venezuela-reshape-democracy/
Subject: The “Good Western Samaritans” care deeply about Venezuela - ICYMI - [PEACE] For everything else, there's ICYMI - pure Russian political propaganda :D Anyone would think that freezing RT.com's bank accounts would be in order after this farce :) Ministry PSA: The West is a democracy and that is why comedy shalt be punishable by prison - just be thankful we're not Saudi Arabia, goy! ICYMI - Interfering in Venezuela - Maduro and Guaido should probably sort it out amongst themselves https://youtu.be/Z3n5USctv0Q