I love you to sea sea - have a great and prosperous 2021. Your friend rooty - On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 7:43 PM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
I do love you, Cypherpunks List. Sincerely, Tenderly, Like a girl trying learning about a whole new world and several different perspectives... I disagree of some of them, but is fascinating to have so many different people are searching for a better world, without censorship and unfair governments too.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so special, even in your more decadent state!!! You and the Cypherpunks will be great again!!! <3
Without you all, a lot of us would be already (suici)died because of the way the society judge our dreams, our fears, our "paranoia" with governments and institutions... Well, this list is very therapeutic, hahaha!!! ;D
And in several moments, Cypherpunks List, you are my only source of sexual fun, because really do _fuck_ my patience and my mind, hahahaha!!! ;D
(The government also fucks me but it's always a brutal rape, with lots of pain and without condom or consent!)
Love each one of you in my own way. Wish you all many tender kisses, warm hugs, and hot chocolate with marshmallows. I ate my last Japanese marshmallow right now and, well, it was gorgeous to feel its taste... Mush less sweet than Brazilian and North-American candies, soft like a hug... :)
I do love you all more than you think. That's the reason I am (still) not a spammer serial killer, hahahaha!!! ;D
Wish you all sincere happiness, physical, emocional and psychological health, serenity, inner peace, self-love, patience, good sleep, and more love to each other, even when the other sucks... ;)
Take care and be well, please. Courage, Strength, Music and Fun.
Ceci. <3
---------- Loving. Caring. Sharing. Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our Hackerspace. <3 ---------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison