29 Dec
29 Dec
12:04 p.m.
local news i made a patch to https://github.com/pmem/syscall_intercept even though it hasn't been updated in 2 years! the patch fixes tests on systems with SELinux enforced and is at https://github.com/pmem/syscall_intercept/pull/136 i wasn't able to work on this but was having fun with language models and used them heavily to move forward on it. again, it wasn't my actual task i was trying to do with them either. i learned about the CONFIG_LSM_MMAP_MIN_ADDR which sets the minimum address that SELinux will let an mmap rest at, and is not retrievable by user code in any manner that i found! syscall_intercept tries to allocate a trampoline at the lowest valid address it can, but picks one that is too low for selinux. [... other things