Folks this is a polished work, now being published in multiple parts, part 1 now available. This is educational for those not up to speed with certain fundamentals of mother Earth and her complex cycles, and the myth of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2, which for those who missed the memo, is plant food). For the ADD/ODD crowd, the simple tl;dr is this: On a long historical timeline, the relevant weather problem to most life on earth, is global cooling, an ice age, and not global warming. A CO2 rich "greenhouse" is in fact what life thrives on - plant life and therefore everything else up the food chain. It's nice to see this being published professionally - makes it much easier to forward to those who might be interested. Here's the direct link to part one: The Real Climate Story, Part 1: The Facts on CO2 by Gil May Published November 25, 2020 https://gumshoenews.com/2020/11/25/the-real-climate-story-part-1-the-facts-o... [Editor’s Note: Author, Gil May, provides a simplified — for easy understanding — how the earth’s incredibly complex climate works. We will produce in parts his extraordinary educational and lengthy document.] The normal working of the earth’s natural climate factory is not co2 climate change. Climate Change is like the Sunrise, it has always been there — and always will. And you cannot prosecute your argument if you cut facts, history, or evidentiary material in half. Climate Change Alarmists work by using half-truths and plausible distortions. Like a half-brick, they can throw it further and it hits harder—but now they have been exposed. Ask everyone you meet to explain how the earth’s climate works, teachers, politicians, and academia — I did and no one had a clue, seriously: I was disgusted at the lack of knowledge from people claiming they knew CO2 changed the climate and were making laws accordingly and spending billions of taxpayers’ money. Friends and grandchildren asked me to explain how it worked. It is a BIG subject and took a lot to simplify it clearly. Here it is. ... ----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> ----- From: Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> To: reader@gmail.com Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 19:52:32 +1000 Subject: Gumshoe News [image: image.png] An Australian News Service and Forum. Ever wondered about climate change; why is it so hot and dry at your place — in the US and Europe all time records are broken for cold, their winters start earlier and end later, the wind generators and solar panels have iced up and failed. The center of Australia and the Sahara once had lakes, rivers, forests and animals: In 1915 the Murray River Dried up —WHY? To find out why and to answer many questions asked by grandchildren and friends’ kids, I wrote HOW THE EARTH’S INCREDIBLY COMPLEX CLIMATE WORKS SIMPLIFIED, interesting and informative. It’s presentation at the ‘Brisbane Forum’ and ‘Ipswich Forum’ received a huge applause — you may enjoy it too. It is published in several parts at Gumshoe News: Earth/ Climate Archives - Gumshoe News <https://gumshoenews.com/category/earth-climate/> The Real Climate Story, Part 1: You and your children will find it interesting. Cheers Gil May ----- End forwarded message -----