On Sunday, 22 August 2021, 06:52:16 pm AEST, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: "It is just possible (though unlikely) that assange might be correctly extradited under UK law then a US court might decide not to continue on US law extraterritoriality grounds. There is also the issue of "dual criminality", the idea that if an extradition is to occur, a given act must be considered a crime by both the sending nation and the receiving nation. One more issue is that if there is indeed 'dual criminality', then logically some kind of prosecution is appropriate for UK, but we haven't seen that, or even heard about it ..." I think the UK is officially happy to let this crime be prosecuted in the USA with only the proviso of ' cruel and unusual punishment ' holding things up till recently. "... Also, remember that I described an argument based on the limitation period ("statute of limitations"), pointing out that if there is indeed extraterritorial jurisdiction, then Assange should have been considered 'within US jurisdiction' from 2009 through 2015, and so the likely 5-year limitations period should have expired 5-6 years ago. I certainly believe a valid argument against extradition is that there is no limitation period valid excluding the time the American government attempted to begin extradition. One of the reasons that I forwarded a copy of my arguments to Jennifer Robinson, Assange's barrister, is to ensure that she was at least exposed to the arguments. ..." Well she must be an expert in that field of law by now so the fact she hasn't raised this might tell us something. There is also added evidence re some CIA leaks which Camp Assange is acting suspiciously furtive about. Logically any legal technicality that could have been invoked surely would have by now given multi-millionaire Assmange's high-powered legal team. You don't have to be a lawyer - jailhouse or otherwise - to see which way the winds blowing here. Btw - the number of non-American Normies exceeded loopy gringo Americans online in 2005.