It's well documented that schizophrenia produces
'schizophrenia' is just fascist psychobabble karl. It's funny how you are either your worst enemy parroting what your masters want you to parrot without realizing it, or an outright US govt propaganda bot.
It's not really funny, but I laugh about it a lot.
yeah, the level of propaganda and fraud in the western cesspool is anything but funny. So you're telling us that you're crazy because your technofascist masters and their 'science' say so. Go on.
It's not complicated, Punk-Stasi. Activists are driven out of the system to disrepute them. Many people are trapped in hospitals or prisons or human trafficking or other things for life, or are dead. It's a money numbers game supported by laws, research papers, marketing organisations, and entire cultures of people. They are beautiful kind murderers, the workers involved in this. I am one of them. and covidioten : the fucktards who swallow all the PSYOP's lies.