Dnia sobota, 2 sierpnia 2014 12:11:09 Fernando Paladini pisze:
But when they say "criminal penalty for mining and other operation", what they mean? I say, how can Russia know who are using Bitcoin, how can Russia know who are trading or mining Bitcoin?
This guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrey_Vyshinsky ...once said: "give me a man and I will find a paragraph" (meaning an article of law to hang/imprison them). The proposed Bitcoin ban is just that: a law that is not going to be enforced for the general population (as there is no way in hell to do that en masse!), but will definitely be used against selected few individuals that Russian government has beefs with.
I think this image can describe the idea I want pass: http://news.insidebitcoins.com/sites/default/files/government-banning-bitcoi n.jpg Am I wrong about that?
I miss the Soviet Union, at least they respected the personal and social freedom (but, yes, I know Stalin was a lunatic).
Instead of asking how much personal or close family experience with the Soviet Union you have, or suggesting you read the article I linked above and educate yourself a bit, I guess I'll just ignore that statement. -- Pozdr rysiek