for instance, registration process to access a website could involve something akin to the following... input a word: [mordify] input a image: (choose 1 of 20 icons) -> [sunflowers] input a place: [fort lauderdale] input a number: [3.124] the website could then create the password from this data, such as translating a word between languages, into another character set, then xor'ing various fields together (if grokking the concept), such that when blended, the string would be multicharacterset, perhaps unseen by the user, and then only interfaced via these keywords that could be written down as parameters and not be readily utilized via UI for password management, using the encrypted string itself. in other words; the password would not be: [mordify][sunflower-icon][fort%20lauderdale][3.124] it would be a computation based on those variables, such that, in an impressionist rendering as example: [mord][3][unz][.][for][-]...[fy][4][iconID][whatever] though further, if 'translated' across unicode character sets and alphabets, then perhaps: [морд][3][માટે][.][for][-]...[جو][4][iconID][cibé] and then even this could be further mixed if necessary or helpful in terms of decohering patterns and making the computational stretch the maximum effort per unit of password character space, vs. restricting it to minimum as seems the standard, weakened by the default "rules" Ȉ ͆ ͡ ͤͮ Σ Ж ༎ ༬ ℍ § נ