On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 11:43:45 -0400 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Great, an oppurtunity to train the cyberPUNKS on the list
so you don't even know what list you are posting to eh? This is the cyPHerpunks mailing list. CyBerpunk is a different beast. John N.> > It's a PERSONAL CHOICE you fucking fascist. People are free
to comport themselves in whatever manner they choose.
No, that is patently not true. You did not make the organism in which you are leeching off of. So you have some responsibiltiy to its creator or the species itself, you might say.
You might say that if you were a religious nutcase - which you are no? And the non-religious version 'responsibility to species' is just the same totalitarian bullshit anyway.
You would've made great anti-drug ads for Nancy Reagan or any of America's war on drugs crusaders (of which you are obviously a prime example).
You idiot. I'm also a lawyer. I defend people who get arrested for smoking pot.
lol - a lawyer...