On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 2:37 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
I did NOT write this message.
Jim isn't "dear" for me, only for garbage fire like Zzz. He gave support to Zzz racist messages before and now.
Angels don't read emails, but jerks certainly do.
Please, in case of bizarre, creepy and/or pervert messages having this e-mail address as sender , report me in private. Hundreds of nasty spam, fake profiles in dating sites and now spoofing. Absolutely lovely. What comforts my soul is having absolute certain that I have more girls and guys flirting with me in a single day than Zzz in his whole life. Always a needy and repulsive Zzzero! ;) @Jim Bell, Sorry, my fault. I mentioned Jim Sovereign < jim.sovereign@optusnet.com.au > . I am busy, in a hurry, and have much more important things to do tonight than spending my time with this list. Read Sovereign's past messages to understand my commentaries, please. Thanks.