Boss, Computer with Legs, and Rebel Torturer wave their arms at the helicopter as they stroll under it. Hairdresser Experimentee [waving arms clearly too]: "HEELP!!! WE MIGHT NEED RESCUING!!!" The helicopter perks up quickly and buzzes down to the ground. The door slams open and a superpowered intern sticks their head out. Superpowered Intern 3 [flexing a large tool of post-future technology]: "Yes? How can we rescue you?" Everybody looks at the Superpowered Intern 3. Rebel Torturer [wincing]: "We're having the urge to decimate communities and we don't want to." Hairdresser Experimentee and Rebel Worker: "Yeah!" Boss looks bewildered. Superpowered Intern 3 grins. More superpowered interns pile next to him. Superpowered Interns: "We're here to rescue you!!!!"