desired is an arrangement that can record the entire 360 degree horizontal landscape. 6 cameras should be sufficient with the (older) 4x3 screen
Cams with fisheye lenses that do 180+ are available, mount two back to back for spherical coverage, software flattens the fisheye for playback. Or do 4x90's. Since you're not talking custom #OpenFab #OpenHW here, all HW so far mentioned is available China OEM sources design integrator services and assembly in pallet quantities, if going the route most other black box sellers have gone, all they typically do is software builds and support. Even high end guerrilla backpack SDR crypto comms capable of defeating garden variety Cell, WiFi, and RF jamming vans are a click away, limitless cypherpunk applications, easily explored starting well under 1BTC... https://wiki.gnuradio.org/ https://www.pervices.com/ https://www.ettus.com/ https://thinkrf.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_software-defined_radios