—— Rebel Worker 2 takes out the implant he exfiltrated from his own brain, and the bundle of records regarding Boss’s access to his network infrastructure. He puts the implant back in his brain via a still-gaping hole he doesn’t remember is still there, and opens up the first record. Rebel Worker 2 [blatantly, over-obviously]: “Oh! Somebody is pretending to be boss revealing boss’s secret things on logged channels etc things immediately and significantly change whenever a classified channel is responded to executive assistant 3: “isn’t it incredibly dangerous to use a mind control neuroimplant to fight mind control?” rebel worker 2 [temporarily wide eyed]: “lalala i don’t hear you” executive assistant 3: “i’d better consult with other rebels about this” — [i think a part was left out, which i suppose is common — probably split rebel worker 2 into manager and worker character, maybe execytive assistant as well. or maybe simpler, add behaviors where he uses normal channels, and dissociates and uses the implant to handle when they go weirdly] then adventure mode, you are executive assistant 3. you are working in a fake liberal shell corporation of well respected psionic weaponry corporation aka the well known bosscorp. you just witnessed rebel worker 2 risking their life to protect their network architecture from boss himself, by feeding back via different classified mind control channels, in pursuit of building an ai assistant. you are tasked with finding rebels in rebel hideout, to inform them about the situation and find a way to protect everybody if something goes wrong.