24 Nov
24 Nov
3:14 p.m.
"...commies trying to pass for anarchists ..." Jamesd - the same Jamesd who was once an admitted Marxist commie and whose been confused ( by Dave Kinsley of ' The Blockchain code " ) with the author of the ' Crypto-anarchy manifesto ', a document modeled on the manifesto of the...communist party! Well cry me a Trotskycon river. The last 90 years - yes. That's true Jim, as it happens. One by one they tried. " Council-communists", ' Situationists ", " Autonomen ", " Communizers "...one by one they tried. They tried and died. Bad faith and entrist bullshit only get you so far This should be a great lesson to the ' leaderless resistance' camped out at ' Anarchopulco '. You're next.