On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:22:01 +0000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
I guess that's the ultimate propaganda success really - not being aware that your country is always at war, and pretty much always has been.
Yep. I'm not sure if I already linked this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0705933/ http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s07e01-im-a-little-bit-country It's probably the best analysis of the 'american political system' (and history) that I know. (funnily enough. it's way better than anything that professional political 'philosophers' say, including statist 'libertarians')
War is the ultimate rejection and domination of the sovereignty of other nations and individuals. So a government having their nation's people thinking they're not at war, and most of the time have not been, is the fundamental delusion of and successful propaganda of despotism.
Your 93% link is eye opening - I knew it was coup after coup (war after war) since WWII, but was not aware of how similar this was to pre-WWII. And it seems most 'Merrycans don't quite see it (yet?) either.
PS If anyone can get/ leak the real/ original British Queen Elizabeth II's (alleged) Christmas message from December 2015, that would be freakin punk! (That would be the one where she says "enjoy your last Christmas" if the allegation has any truth to it.) Any good high-brow British cp's round here? Onion links acceptable...