On 08/23/2016 03:05 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
people so dumb as to think that there's some vast conspiracy against Appelbaum.
It doesn't have to be vast. All it takes is a few vicious midgets and a critical mass of idiots who parrot them, believe them. Rr
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 2:59 PM Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net <mailto:admin@pilobilus.net>> wrote:
On 08/23/2016 05:08 PM, Sean Lynch wrote: > On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:07 AM Georgi Guninski > <guninski@guninski.com <mailto:guninski@guninski.com> <mailto:guninski@guninski.com <mailto:guninski@guninski.com>>> wrote: > > Appelbaum, CDC, CCC > > http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/open-source/73441-appelbaum-ban ned-from-debian-events-after-sexual-misconduct-charges.html <http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/open-source/73441-appelbaum-banned-from-debian-events-after-sexual-misconduct-charges.html> > > Appelbaum banned from Debian events after sexual misconduct > charges > > > === Appelbaum has also been asked to leave other hacker groups like > the Cult of the Dead Cow, Noisebridge, and will not be allowed to > attend events organised by the hacker group Chaos Computer Club. > === > > Are journos exaggerating at least for CCC? > > > So I guess as far as Juan & garpamp, et al are concerned, these > groups are also infiltrated by or working on behalf of the NSA, > GCHQ, etc? Are they about to experience mass disillusionment and > exodus as well, just like all "non-spook" Tor relays are about to > shut down because "everyone" who's not a spook is on Rapey Jakey's > side?
I do expect the stunning success of the operation against Applebaum will lead to similar attacks against organizations and personalities considered inconvenient by State and Corporate agencies who "have relations with" the clandestine services.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, projects to Fork TOR are already forming up and assembling resources. Maybe now real work can start on proposals like variable latency, padding, etc.
Wake me up when they release actual code with actual features. It's far easier to talk about forking than to spin up a successful project.
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing experimentation with padding & mixing, but between more innovative features and a more conservative codebase, I'm not sure which one I'd trust, especially when the former are written by people so dumb as to think that there's some vast conspiracy against Appelbaum.
Perhaps the fork of TBB will come preloaded with bookmarks to some successor to Pink Meth, /stol on 8chan, etc?