On Sunday, August 27, 2023, mailbombbin <mailbombbin@gmail.com> wrote:
This is an email address I made to collect exploding emails and post to the list with.
I even made a tiny PGP key and set mutt up for IMAP!
However, I don't seem able to connect to
smtp.gmail.com on either the SSL port nor the TLS port, even over TOR or from public wifi, so I'm on a web interface still.
Still remains to try from a different device.
Via other means I found a different IP address that
smtp.gmail.com can resolve to than the ones it does here. When I use that IP address, I can access the SSL and TLS ports.
Meanwhile, the IP addresses my name servers give me do respond on the old cleartext port, but they give a header line for
mx.google.com rather than
smtp.gmail.com . Meanwhile,
mx.google.com does not resolve for me.
~ $ nc -v 587
Connection to 587 port [tcp/submission] succeeded!
220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP j21-20020a9f3095000000b00799f82d909bsm1396295uab.26 - gsmtp HELO smtp
~ $ nc -v 587
nc: connect to port 587 (tcp) failed: Connection timed out
~ $ nc -v 25
Connection to 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded!
220 mx.google.com ESMTP z59-20020a25a141000000b00d437d7a207bsi2952087ybh.40 - gsmtp HELO smtp
~ $ nc -v 25
Connection to 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded!
220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP x12-20020a05610223cc00b0044e9fdc54b6sm1494894vsr.29 - gsmtp HELO smtp
nc: getaddrinfo for host "mx.google.com" port 587: No address associated with hostname
After writing the above I realized I was sometimes typing
smtp.gmail.com and sometimes
smtp.google.com . The former is presently working for me. The assertion something was wrong appears bogus right now.