with correction: On 2/19/22, Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
totally did it :) . didn't make it look nice. each tx is output as lines of tuple outputs. a regexp can be passed to filter them. it connects to a random electrum node from somebody's hardcoded set, so sometimes it fails due to uninvestigated network details.
git clone https://github.com/xloem/libexcessiveattemptstostorethings cd libexcessiveattemptstostorethings
echo 'hello-world' | ./opreturn.py --tag hello-world-tag # it waits for confirmation forever to be sure things are 'destroyed'. hit ^C to break execution
# should be: [or it outputs too much for normal patience] ./embarrassments.py --tag hello-world-tag
# outputs lists of tx outputs and their times, blockhashes, txids, that contain hello-world-tag, including the just-broadcast tx in the mempool