Art Director: William Hopkins
Designer: Allen Hurlburt
Photographer: Art Kane
Publisher: Cowles Communications, Inc./Look Magazine
It reeks of restless anger. Its tene-
ments are teeming, ratty black
nests for splintered families. Its
rural migrants clot together as
outcasts of the inner city on gutter-
foul streets.
But, like the dark face
of the moon, the
ghetto is invisible
-- except when it
erupts before our
eyes in the fiery
gasoline - bomb
brightness of its
people's impotent
Crime and
violence are symp-
toms of urban de-
cay -- from the si-
lent violence of a
sick child's death to the impersonal
viciousness of a rioter. But lawless-
ness extends beyond the ghetto.
With an all-time high of 12,093 homi-
cides last year, the Great Society is
a tense society.
Almost three times
as many of our autos are stolen
each year as the U.S.S.R. produces.
We cry for law &
order -- but our
need is law, order
and justice.
from this can grow
hope for the ghetto
and the decent
subsistence hu-
man life demands.