I am *not* endorsing this theory, just sharing the link because it's an interesting idea. Kisses! <3 Ceci # PS 1: He used to openly support Le Pen. Hypocrite orange guy attacks again, la la la! #MacronPrésident #vivalaFrance :) # PS 2: This is pretty cute! #AlternativeFact #ScienceMarch <3 # PS 3: Zzzz, are you still wanking while thinking about me all the days? Please, stop. Do NOT do it anymore. Stop sending creepy messages, loser. Months of the same sh_t, aff... Please, get a life. Put a pineapple or a watermelon where the sun doesn't shine (fruits will be healthy for you!) or think about Putin or Trump while playing with little Zzzz. They appreciate dirty whores like you, I prefer real men.