To be honest... is it still interesting, if the first (...) moon landing was real or not? I don't think so. Today we have Rosetta (Pluto), the Pathfinder-program (Mars) and many more projects running and in March 2016 there will start new ones... one from the NASA and one collaborative project from the EU & Russia Space-Program. It doesn't matter, what was real and not in the 50s, 60s ~ 70s...?! We are here in 2015 and now Europe, Russia, China, India, Japan, Brazil and also America have their own explorer-programs and~or cooperate. They use the engines of the other countries (most of the time to safe money, because most of the times they underfunded), use also the technology of their neighbours, have contracts and investments, using the same start & landing-platforms, they track the satellites of and for other countries and so on... and we have other (~private) commercial projects~companies like SpaceX or Blue Origin. And today you can hang on on their twitter-channels and watch live-video-transfers, can take a look at their raw-images in databases and can use own tracker-software-tools on your computer or telescope. Today also american, european and russian people are visiting the International Space Station ~ ISS and work there together, share the stations on the earth and sure - every country has also their own, "secret program and projects". But what we can see today, is most of the time verifiable, because all big nations watching the "sky" and have also the technology for it to proof cases. It is pointless to talk about the old 60s & 70s (and so on), because at this time most of the "successes" of american, russian, japanese or chinese trials where shown in the newsmedia as success and no country was telling the full truth about all failures and so on. It was a time, when we had the cold war and other strategic "problems" and everybody want to show is strongness. This means america, russia, china, europe, australia or japan. It doesn't matter - nobody was telling the full truth about all projects and events. Today it will be still the same, but we have more independent stations, also scientists, who grew up in an other country like japan, but studied in the US and now working in europe at the ESA. Or americans who work for the india space program and also russia people working in america or brazil. The time has changed and knowledge is shared (or will be shared, independent if it's allowed or not). So what is important, is what happens NOW, TODAY and TOMORROW on the moon, mars, pluto, sun, venus, jupiter and so one - because there are a lot of interesting stuff happen these days. And this is my opinion as european. It's boring to read every few month a discussion about something, that happend decades before - without any result or target in the discussions, expect just to say "You lie, you wrong, I know it better, it wasn't the truth ~ or the truth". Use the energy for interesting stuff. Todays explorer-projects or recent stuff like syria and so on. But not for old, blurred images 50~ years ago. That's just pointless.