On 8/9/20, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Breaking Defense: GPS Anti-Jam M-Code Takes Two Steps Forward. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/08/gps-anti-jam-m-code-takes-two-steps-forw...
GPS has annoying anti-civilian anti-other shutoff modes. There are three other positioning systems in the sky now. All readable by one multipurpose SDR backpack. At least as long as they remain geopolitically independent and not anti-sat whack'd, Kosmos 2542'd, X-37B'd... https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2020/07/24/us-and-uk-accuse-russi... For extra fun, unfold your portable tinfoil uplink dish, plug in SDR backpack, brute force and fuzz the satellite control channels, reach commandeer god mode, then... Saturate all the Dish-TV's in Turkey with reruns of the Pope's Xmas Mass. Deorbit some gifts back to the TLA's front lawns. Etc.