On 2 March 2017 07:22:48 GMT+00:00, "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
On 3/2/2017 5:11 PM, oshwm wrote:
I'd take someone with good imagination who has to look up fine details over someone who has a photographic memory and no imagination any day.
These are not tests of rote memorization. Someone who passes them by rote memorization is cheating. These are tests of ability to write a simple program.
You ask someone to write a bubble sort, not because anyone ever needs a
bubble sort, but because the program you actually need someone to write
cannot be looked up on the internet.
Then what is the use of asking someone to write a bubble sort (which has been written a million times) - surely you should pick something that hasn't been written before?