hellekin writes: | On 06/28/2015 12:21 AM, dan@geer.org wrote: | > | >> - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter | > | > Hanson/Great_Filter is an excellent reference. So is | > | > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis | > | *** These two theories seem to promote the idea that life is so valuable | that actions such as the ones endorsed by the CIA over its history | (coups, torture, assassination, terrorism, drug trafficking, war | mongering, economic racket, etc.) are immoral. | | As the CIO of the investment arm of this organization, how do you plan | on provoking a volte-face in its individuation that would suddenly make | it, and with it U.S. foreign policy, something beneficial for all life, | instead of leading it towards a rapid self-destruction of complex life | on Earth? | | What is the philosophical basis that sustains the CIA? Life is indeed priceless, and the more rare it is the more self evident it can only have been the hand of God who created it. Nonetheless, if diversion now to a thoroughgoing philosophical value-of-life debate is of timely cpunks relevance, which it manifestly is not, then might we first begin with abortion, genetic tinkering, or the burning of coal. --dan