On 7/28/19, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Yahoo Finance: Trump DOJ Sues Infamous Bitcoin Exchange for $100 Million. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-doj-sues-infamous-bitcoin-120414570.htm...
BTC-e's Vinnik
Jim Bell's comment:Digital cash and Dark Market people must prepare to protect themselves by forming, and using, an AP (Assassination Politics) system (https://cryptome.org/ap.htm). One that doesn't target people by name, but instead by function. Dark Markets would be impossible to take down if all government personnel who would participate in such prosecutions and lawsuits knew that they'd get a $250K bounty on their heads for attempting that.
A simple $250M staking across up to roughly 1000 smart contracts will let you influence the entire US congress, the top two in each Executive and Military department, plus a good number of Judges, Bankers, State Governors, big city Police Chiefs and Mayors, etc. Even just half that scope is within the reach of hundreds of crypto hodlers. Given most influencees will wisely desist and or leave their GovCorp jobs well before any stake is ever expended, and only a few stakes will ever end up being spent... that seems a very low cost and low risk way for some crypto OG to impart real change in their lifetime. Not only will their smart contracts rarely trip into a spent condition, they will 100x their entire holdings by creating the most pro-cryptocurrency (aka: explicitly nonregulated) naturally adoption ready geopolitical environment they could ever dream of. Alternatively, the same $250M could also finance 5000 $50k "lobbying efforts" in favor of commitments to pro-cryptocurrency, etc. There is so much win that cryptocurrency hodlers could have out there if they would just realise and spend a little.