Massive hat tip to Biden's campaign to support the US troops and national guard protecting his sorry arse at the <ahem/> White House <cough/> by ordering about 5000 of them OUT of the White House and onto a cold ... cement ... underground ... lifeless and bare carpark - to sleep, and with only ONE power outlet and ONE toilet. Speaking of random acts of brutal plausility... well played, "Biden" :D Well fire trucking played muh grits. We bow in gratitude… Spectacular in fact. Tommy Strikes - trolling beyond belief. Now speaking of Tommy Strikes and those micro-unmentionables and off the charts blackmail rumours - HOLY JESUS FIRETRUCKING CHRIST!! Losing Cali wouldn't be the greatest loss but we can certainly understand the sanctity of human life which our side at least holds to... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Seriously now folks, y'all need to pray - every fricken day!!! This be one muffaDUCKa!!!!! The best is yet to come...