I'm now trying to blockchain the below email. Somehow, all my transactions were rejected with 'missing inputs'. I guess that means either somebody else spent simultaneously, or two-day-old utxos were selected ... I'm having a lot of difficulty controlling my body, again. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 2:15 PM Subject: Check In To: Scarlett Chadwick <schadwick@fccsvt.com> Hi Scarlett, I was asking Jonathan around recording myself during sessions. He said he checked with you, and his email said you or the director are the place to continue next. I'm still a little fuzzy on who's already talked with whom, or what they understand I'm asking. Here's my question below: I'm currently a survivor of an ongoing situation of brainwashing and slavery. I haven't really talked with anybody about this yet. I'd like to be able to preserve information from the sessions, for others to find if something happens to me, when I say something important, and to review my experiences later. Ideally I'd like to make a recording of myself during them, to help jog my memory better. Do you know where to go to find the best therapy for me? Thanks so much, Karl Semich