I've found a few since, too; some I could build right away. Leading to a n00b question: if you have a custom-built HWRNG, and you *don't need the full output* but just a complementary source of entropy for /dev/random, how would one seed /dev/random with the HWRNG without washing out the good entropy already in /dev/random? That is, I gather some CSPRNGs can consider relative weights of RNG inputs, seeding the pool more often from some than others, or sanitising some inputs more than other. So my custom-built HWRNG, with possibly not-trustworthy output for crypto usages, would be a nice ancillary input to /dev/random if I could be sure it would be only used to supplement, never to replace, more proven and trustworthy sources. Bonus question; if I take the direct output of my HWRNG, and use it with a hash function and a long, random seed that is invariant, that should even out the bits of output and help account for fluctuations in true entropy, right? That is: mypassphrase = SHA512(b'some long string of high-entropy seed data') entropy = HWRNG_READ(64) entropy = SHA512(entropy, mypassphrase) seed_dev_random(entropy) On Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:54:46 +0200 Eugen Leitl <eugen@leitl.org> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 08:16:51AM +0100, Cathal Garvey (Phone) wrote:
Accepted, entirely, but if "noisy diodes" are all you need for quantum entropy, why are designs for OSHW entropy generators so scarce?
Are they?
This is analog electronics 101. All you have is to sample that at sufficient rate on the cheap. That used to be a problem, but no longer is
I suggested smoke alarms not through radioactivity-fetishism but because of ubiquity and low cost, likely low difficulty to adapt.
We do not want a dinky little entropy drip. We want a regular firehose. The USB RTL samples at 1.4 MSamples/s. Total part costs is probably 20 USD, in bulk.
Why is nobody selling a kit like that? Because worrying about sufficient entropy in crypto settings is a terribly niche thing. Sadly.
Now try for a decent clock. (Hint: time-nuts. And did you know they use CSACs for IED trigger jamming?).