Zuckerberg Censorship Confronted -Introduction The scope of this essay will be to cover, a risk-benefit analysis of taking the COVID-19 Vaccine, with the hope of informing the reader of all the facts on both sides of the table. My goal will be to “place before the common sense of the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent” -Thomas Jefferson. My thesis is quite simple. The COVID-19 Vaccine is more dangerous than it is safe and effective. This is clear when considering these three subjects in detail. 1. The risk it poses to pregnancy, 2. The risk it poses to the brain, 3. The risk it poses of meeting one’s maker earlier than necessary. Sounds crazy, right? Now that I have your attention let us begin. -The Unknowns… “As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the things we do not know we don't know.” -Donald Rumsfeld (Bush’s Secretary of Defense) “The shortest time anybody has ever found a vaccine against any disease … is about 7 years, the average time is 20.” (New York University School of Medicine bioethicist Arthur Caplan [S1].) I think this is a pretty good place to start. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), “(COVID-19) … was first reported [in] Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. [S2-update)]. A mere 349 days later, the first vaccines were being administered in Canada on December 14, 2020. [S3]. Some might ask the question, how is it that a vaccine (utilizing a new technology) could have been developed so quickly? The answer? They took a shortcut. Trumps administration under the name “Operation Warp Speed” was “credited with helping [the] race for a COVID-19 vaccine” according to CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) [S4]. One might ask exactly how did they “race” to create this vaccine? Well, the answer to that is Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), “Under an EUA, [the] FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products.” Normally, when a company creates a medical product, the FDA evaluates its safety and efficacy through the concluded studies regarding the treatments in question. So, what happened with the COVID-19 Vaccine? Well, under EUA the FDA gave pharmaceutical companies the ability to go to market with their products without concluding their safety studies. On their own website under the section titled: “Are the COVID-19 vaccines rigorously tested?” You can find the admission: “Yes. Clinical trials are evaluating investigational Covid-19 vaccines.” Notice, the use of the present tense form of the word “BE,” and the suffix “-ING.” In these two words are the admission that the trials have YET TO CONCLUDE. As a matter of fact (not opinion), these studies are still ongoing. One study being conducted by Pfizer to study “The Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Adults,” has the trial endpoints for this study set to the date of: February 6, 2023. [S6,S7]. At this, one might ask, how is it that governments and media around the world can claim safety and efficacy of a vaccine, which is currently still being studied for its “safety and efficacy.” The answer: they cannot! Additionally, if one uses Google to search the terms with quotations but without brackets: ("Original Estimated Enrollment" "Estimated Study Completion Date" "2023"). Pfizer’s website comes up, but lacking the details of the study estimation date. One has to go on their website, and follow a link to, to find these details. This means that at one point, Google cached their website as having the date on their website on that page. But at some point, later on, Pfizer decided to redact this date and instead linked to this information on a peripheral website. One might ask: why? Is it possible that they do not want the general public to know this information? Is it possible that they are afraid that people might reconsider taking a vaccine if they were made aware of this information? On this point, I can confidently say that, financial incentivization points to this being a possibility. Now, having belaboured this issue to the point of deliverance, I can now build upon the fruit of this foundation. That foundation being that at least in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, scientists bereft of their usual tools (studies, science, etc.) are in the dark as to if these vaccines are indeed “Safe and effective” as the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) puts in bold on their website [S8]. At least until the studies have concluded as Bill Gates (worlds #1 financial contributor to the WHO) stated in an interview, “If you want to wait and see if a side effect shows up two years later uhhh, that takes two years.” [S9]. At the beginning of this paragraph, I quoted Donald Rumsfeld, and now perhaps that quote is beginning to have a new relevance to the reader. When posed with the question, “What are the unknown unknowns with these COVID-19 vaccines.” The answer would seem to be: a shit-ton. -The Knowns… This brings us to part 2: “What are the known unknowns…”. Despite the ongoing studies, and the bypassing of the animal safety trials (yes really [S10 Timestamp: 4:00]). In an attempt to gloss over any potential indications of danger, harm, death, etc., “FDA, in absolutely ignoring safety margin in a stunning decision decided to allow Moderna and other vaccine manufactures to skip the most important step in vaccine safety for corona virus which is the animal trials … missing out on another opportunity to find safety signals, but they found them anyway.” (Dr. James Lyons Weiler speaking at Medical Freedom Press Conference) [S10]. Well, what did they find you might ask? Surely our honest and not funded by the pharmaceutical company media would tell us the truth about pharmaceutical products … would they not? I can already hear the retorts. If people were having “serious adverse reactions,” (S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23) it would be on the news. It has been! Surely there would be many doctors coming out talking about this *hint: There has been! And the most solid, irrefutable, sacrosanct criticism “You are just a conspiracy theorist!” For those who would levy this criticism towards the work of this author, I wish to introduce you to the word “ad hominem.” Or “(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person, rather than the position they are maintaining.” (S24) The issue with the first two criticisms is, as has been aptly displayed via my sources (S10-S23) as being: patently false. The issue with the last of the critiques is that it fails to refute the central point of my arguments, and instead it attempts to critique my person, with eyes wide shut to the information I have provided. -Demyelinating Disorders… I hope to have established that there have been and are “serious adverse reactions” to the vaccines that have been deployed. So far, we have covered the lack of safety precautions around these vaccines and what some might say are the predictable results that have followed. But, if we dig a bit deeper perhaps we can use the victims of the vaccines to project what kind of damage we have proof of the vaccine causing. And perhaps even determine the MOA (mechanism of action) by which this (the adverse reactions) are happening. “The participant who triggered a global shutdown of AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials was a woman in the United Kingdom who experienced neurological symptoms” (S25). Perhaps one of the more troubling side effects (aside from death) we are seeing from the unwitting study participants is a preponderance of diseases linked to a neurological genesis. Bell’s Palsey (S11) and seizures (S12) are issues which have caught the attention of news headlines. But what do these two issues have in common, and what might this tell us about the MOA? Well, according to Dr. Michael Levy, associate professor in neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston. (S26) Transverse Myelitis and MS (Multiple Sclerosis) belong to the same type of neurological condition. The name of this class of neurological conditions is “demyelinating diseases.” In this class of diseases, we find MS, ADEM (Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), Guillain Barre Syndrome (S27). Now before I lose my readers. Let me explain the relevance of all that I have laboured to put pen to paper for. You see, your brain has a bunch of wires. We call these wires, neurons. They are what allow you to think, move and do just about everything that you are capable of doing. These wires much like the wires in your house, have a protective layer around them. Imagine if you will an electrical closet, but the power is off. In this dark room, a pack of rats came and ate all of the plastic coating that surrounds the wires to keep them from coming into contact with each other. Now if you will, imagine what would happen if you then walked into the room and powered on the electric closet, sending current through all those wires. Sparks, potentially a fire, maybe some smoke would be the result. Well, you see dear reader, God, put a coating around the neurons in your brain, to prevent this from happening. Scientists have discovered this coating and dubbed it the myelin sheath. So, as may be clear from the analogy by now “demyelinating diseases” are basically diseases that like rats, eat away at that sheath. And cue the epic music, roll back the curtain, spotlights on centre stage, and enter: our shaking, muscle spasms, incapable of controlling their stools, victim of seizures. It is also interesting to note that according to under the section covering demyelinating disorders, “There is no cure for these conditions.” (S27). Now, dear reader demyelinating diseases can take place gradually over years, or they can have a rapid onset. And the COVID-19 vaccine manufactures are aware that their vaccine can cause this to happen in some people, and you want to take the risk of putting something into your body, that has the capacity to render you a fate worse than death itself? But do not believe me? How about the FDA who are recommending to watch for “Bell’s palsy in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipients” (S11)? Or how about those who were unlucky enough to be smitten with this debilitating disorder mere hours after taking the vaccine? I will provide a video link here (S28), of a compilation of two people who have become fully disabled days or hours after being given this vaccine. -Pregnancy Risks… But wait, there is more! German physician Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Micheal Yeadon (Previous Vice President of Research at Pfizer) (S29) sent a letter to the European Medicines Agency, “calling the EMA to halt clinical trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in the EU.” (S30.) Snopes in an article comments on this issue stating, “They claimed that it is possible women who receive the vaccine could become infertile.” Going on to say, “However, they did not state as fact that the vaccine causes sterility”. As though somehow that should alleviate the concerns of pregnant people whom are thinking of getting this vaccine. Yes, they did not state it as a fact, simply because we do not know, and we need to do more testing to see if this is indeed a possibility. In the letter Michael Yeadon and Wodarg, note that their concerns of the vaccine stem primarily from the addition of Syncytin-1 in the vaccines which as notes (S31) as being, “critical in the formation of the Syncytiotrophoblast, the outermost layer of the human placenta, responsible for nutrient exchange from mother to embryo.” Admittedly, Yeadon and Wodarg speculate on there being a possibility of infertility. But, unlike Wikipedia might have you believe, their speculation is not baseless, and one need not a degree in vaccine physics to understand their concern. They postulate that if the vaccine creates antibodies against COVID-19, the addition of Syncytin-1 in the vaccines could inadvertently end up causing the body to launch an immune response against Syncytin-1 also. Honestly, I am not a scientist, but as established above until we have the studies complete this seems like a pretty relevant concern. And by relevant, I mean that in the sense of being an existential threat to the entire human race. Now, if it were one doctor speaking out or two, I can see that as being easily dismissible. Perhaps, two doctors that neglected their daily cocaine addiction (S32) and became slightly off kilter. But, how do you explain away thousands of doctors with multiple lifetimes of experience (S33)? If this were just simply a conspiracy theory and not rooted in some semblance of reality, one would not expect so many doctors from all over the world to voice such similar concerns. Can you find 10 doctors who believe the world is flat, for example? If you could, it would probably be a seriously committed undertaking. But, when one looks for these doctors using means through which they have not been censored (Google, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram), and instead look to more open platforms, these doctors can be found in abundance. One must start to begin to ask the question: “Why are these voices being silenced?” My reader, please have patience with me. You see, the issue with giving a topic the necessary attention, is that it must be covered extensively. Now, let us do a quick recap. We have established there is a lack of safety studies. We have covered that the known side effects include: death, neurological disorders, and potentially the inability to maintain a pregnancy to term. Need I continue, really? Well, I guess it may be necessary to counter some of the critics. Over half a billion people have already been vaccinated and the global population has not dropped by half a billion, so what is the issue? Others might riposte with the “90% effective” myth (S34). And yet others will acknowledge side effects but then compare them with the odds of winning the lottery of being hit by lightning. The last challenge I can think of would be the anecdotal “I know someone who has been vaccinated and they still have their myelin sheath!” In the interest of time, I will cover these critiques as quickly as possible. “Billions vaxxed but, there still here, dude!”: see my next paragraph on pathogenic priming. 90% effective: James Corbertt covers this quite thoroughly in his video titled: “The Future of Vaccines” (S35 See Timestamp: 7:29). “Low odds, dude!”: VAERS the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as of todays date April 3, 2021 has currently logged 50,861 Adverse COVID-19 vaccine reactions. Among those 2249 deaths. It is openly admitted in a CDC-funded Harvard study that VAERS picks up “fewer than 1% of adverse events reported” (S38). Simple multiplication would yield COVID-19 Vaccine adverse events reports numbering in at 5,086,100 with 224,900 deaths. This is not even taking into consideration two major factors. The first being that some effects will not be seen until, like our buddy Bill Gates said, “two years [later]” (S9). The second being that of pathogenic priming. For those who feel the odds to be insignificant, feel free to read some of the adverse events at (S39), and you can make that risk assessment yourself. I know people who have had the vaccine that are A-OK healthy as a man, the moment he jumped out a high-rise window. To those people I say, be patient, gravity has a way of doing a reliable job. But, to be factitious rather than facetious let me begin the section on pathogenic priming. -1 Year from Today… Pathogenic priming may just be the most concerning outcome from the vaccines that we have discussed so far. You see according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, Pathogenic means to “produce disease” (S40,%3A%20Pathogenetic%20(1838)%3B%20pathogenicity)). The word priming from the same website gives us “[a] first coat of paint or other material given to any surface." (S41) You might now be asking what exactly does a first coat of paint have to do with all of this. Well, pathogenic priming is essentially the mechanism through which diseases are produced better or, in their prime so to speak. The issue is Doctors around the world and studies from the Journal Nature (S42) have talked about how this new vaccine could potentially cause this effect. Currently the journal I linked to above has caused such a stir in the scientific community, that it has been accessed over 207,000 times. That is quite a few views for a boring scientific paper, don't you think? But Nature is not the only one warning that the data currently indicates that “anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).” Dr. Simone Gold has also been quite vocal about this. The media have attempted to assassinate her character by labelling her an “anti-vaxer” (S43) but, you know what they have not done? Addressed her central argument. Why? Because they would need science to do that, science which frankly they do not have. Now I will give you a clip of what she said in a speech she did on these new corona virus vaccines. “When they were doing the studies with SARS-CoV 1 vaccines back in 2005, they came up with a vaccine and gave it to the ferrets. And it was two-dosed like the ones we have today and the ferrets did fine after the first dose, fine after the second dose. Later they exposed them to SARS-CoV 1 in the wild, and the ferrets died … that is why SARS-CoV 1 vaccines never came to market.” (S44 Timestamp: 28:09) So, you may see the issue and why the comparison earlier with a healthy person the moment they jumped out a window; because what will happen if “we give this vaccine to 100 million people that are otherwise healthy and they do have this antibody-dependent enhancement reaction, since we have not ruled it out, they do get exposed to the virus in the wild and 30% of them drop. What if for example you have given that vaccine to all of your health care workers, and all of your military and all of your police officers? I find it shocking as a public policy matter that we would even consider this.” -Conclusion This essay is already getting to be quite lengthy, so to finish things off I will direct the reader to other areas to look into. I wish I had the time to delve into the illogical nature of synthesizing vaccines to a disease which has yet to be isolated. But if you have the patience, this article (S45) covers that subject in detail. If I had yet more time, I would cover the adverse reaction rate in COVID-19 vaccine trial participants who suffered “serious adverse events” at a rate of 1 in 5 (S10). Or how some of these same pharmaceutical companies have had to pay out billions in damages for knowingly “killing thousands of people” (S46), for selling drugs tainted with HIV. You might be asking how do we know they knew? Well, the answer is because when they found out it was tainted, they took the drugs off the shelves in America and sold them to Third World countries. Fact is like Michael Jackson said in his famous song, “They Don’t Really Care About Us.” Simply put: they do not really care about us. Sources: *Needless to say, I do not agree with every source I have included here. I believe that regardless of who says something what they say is the object of primary importance. Some sources I have listed below, attempt to assassinate the character (and not the content) of certain Doctors who have risked their careers to say what they have to say. I simply ask my reader to look into what these “crazy conspiracy theorist” are saying, rather then labeling them and forgetting what they said. For whether Oscar the Grouch says the sky is blue or be it Einstein, the sky remains blue. In essence, just because someone we don’t like says something that is true, does not mean we should disregard what they said. For to do so would be an affront to logic itself (see my earlier notes on ad-hominem). Source 1: Source 2: Source 3: Source 4: Source 5: Source 6: Source 7: Source 8: Source 9: Source 10: Source 11: Source 12: Source: 13 Source 14: Source 15: Source 16: Source 17: Source 18: Source 19: Source 20: Source 21: Source 22: Source 23: Source 24: Source 25: Source: 26: Source 27: Source 28: Source 29: Source 30: Source 31: Source 32: Source 33: Source 34: Source 35: Source 36: Source 37: Source 38: Source 39: Source 40:,%3A%2...). Source 41: Source 42: Source 43: Source 44: Source 45: Source 46: