La. Judge Returns $22M Hurricane Ida Claim To State Court
By Elliot Weld
A Louisiana federal judge has sent a $22 million insurance dispute over oil drilling equipment damaged by Hurricane Ida back to state court, citing an invalid arbitration clause between the parties.
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Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.
Fri, Apr 15, 2022, 1:17 PM
MIA Coin and POX Kleptocracy: CORRUPTION FIN-2022-A001 - SAR 38(m):---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gunnar Larson <>
Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2022, 1:17 PM
Subject: MIA Coin and POX Kleptocracy: CORRUPTION FIN-2022-A001 - SAR 38(m).
To: <>
Cc: cypherpunks <>Dear -, PBC thanks you for sending yesterday's advisory on kleptocracy and foreign public corruption. We have made 30 highlights to the FIN-2022-A001 advisory for reference.The aim of today's memo is to learn FinCEN's insights into MIA Coin and the consensus algorithm Proof of Transfer (POX). -, PBC is concerned about potential MIA Coin and City Coin kleptocracy that may be affecting our global enterprise.FinCEN may note that NYCCoin is illegal in New York State, given the BitLicense mandate. As such, we are not concerned with NYCCoin's legality given the clear BitLicense mandate.
- On February 4, 2022 we submitted a City of Miami records request for any and all correspondence between the City of Miami concerning CityCoins, MIA Coin and Stacks (STX). Additionally, any and all related correspondence concerning CityCoins, MIA Coin, Stacks (STX), Digital World Acquisition Corp and Harvard Management Company.
- Today, April 15, 2022 we have yet to receive the 13, 092 records. Attached you will find our latest correspondence with Miami, notifying them of our intention to contact FinCEN concerning MIA Coin and POX.
- Conducting independent marketplace research, -, PBC established a premise to potential kleptocracy between the City of Miami and City Coins, of Iceland international registration. Furthermore, is registered in Germany.
- Please find the City of Miami's resolution approving gifts from City Coins ... Furthermore, City Coins suggests a $25,000 "reward" (that may be confused as bribery) for Mayors who participate.
MIA Coin is powered by POX, a computer protocol that may exploit the U.S. and international financial systems to launder illicit gains, including through the use of shell companies, offshore financial centers, and professional service providers who enable the movement and laundering.MIA Coin' POX protocol is a wealth extraction tool that unfairly rewards an inside group of miners, rewarding patronage networks that benefit his inner circle and regime. These practices harm the competitive landscape of financial markets and often have long-term corrosive effects on good governance, democratic institutions, and human rights standards.FinCEN, we are concerned Miami's City Coin resolution potentially confirms Miami leaders as kleptocrats, using their position and influence to enrich themselves and their networks of corrupt actors.Finally, we understand that MIA Coin and POX operations are powered by international data warehouses, located in Iceland, Germany and Hong Kong. For these reasons, given FinCEN's alert on kleptocracy and foreign public corruption we kindly seek guidance.Sending you the very best regards.Thank you,Gunnar Larson
--Gunnar Larson - -, PBCMSc - Digital CurrencyMBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) York, New York 10001---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network <>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 2:46 PM
Subject: FinCEN Updates: FinCEN Issues Advisory on Kleptocracy and Foreign Public Corruption
To: <>You are subscribed to FinCEN Updates. The information below is available at
FinCEN Issues Advisory on Kleptocracy and Foreign Public Corruption
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today issued an advisory on kleptocracy and foreign public corruption, urging financial institutions to focus their efforts on detecting the proceeds of foreign public corruption — a priority for the U.S. Government as it continues to implement the U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption. The advisory provides typologies and potential indicators of kleptocracy and other forms of foreign public corruption, namely bribery, embezzlement, extortion, and the misappropriation of public assets.
News Release:
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 3:45 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes. - | Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds:March 10, 2023
Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
Office of the Mayor of New York City
City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
New York, NY 10007 United States
PressOffice@CityHall.NYC.govRe: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting
Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:
Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.
The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or individual who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and amount of compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.
As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital asset innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York City damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example, devaluing it through parody or sealed via embossed criticism). - concerns made above have evidentiary support to interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.
Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the world's most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must adhere to federal securities laws.
As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of compensation associated.
A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered brokers. - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New York City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon EST.
Respectfully yours with appreciation,
Gunnar Larson - -
MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Dear Honorable Attorney General Letitia James:Dear Ms. Melissa Bochenski, Executive Chamber Traveling Chief of Staff:Yesterday, the Mayor of New York City referenced 'Mein Kampf' while speaking in Brooklyn, New York as reported by the New York Post.Read here:Eric Adams' recent Bloomberg feature also talks about how he approaches lieing; While also mentioning - here:Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, yesterday Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf' sologanering perpetuated another common lie. Mayor Adams claims that once lies are repeated overand over again, the public is apt to believe the said untruths.Similar to Adams' Bloomberg feature above, - feels Mayor Adams was bating our founder 'Gunnar Larson' with yesterday's 'Mein Kampf' propaganda while speaking in Brooklyn, New York.Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, yes, perhaps the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, wanted to see if - would send NYAG or EXECNY an e-mail, tapping into the sensation of his 'Mein Kamf' rederidic.Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, just like serendipity, -'s research team uncovered the film below that could implicate Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf' lingo as flawed.Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, as the NYPD and/or FDNY sirens sound over New York City, - watched and listened to the film below unfazed.Why unfazed you may ask?Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, you will see the the film's presentor, Marianne Williamson, strive to make right various untruthful claims perpetuated by New York City's - is lucky to be able to defuse Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf' sologanering with the film below, thanks to Ms. Williamson, one of the world's celebrated thought leaders in the human potential moveMs. Williamson does all this under a hopeful banner of Peace on Earth.Watch here:Ms. Williamson's overarching theme is that even with lies, there is a Peace that can end all - has collated 36 quotes from Ms. Williamson's film for AGNY and EXECNY:
- "You will reap what you sow, you will get what you put out..."
- "I am healing you, but go and sin no more..."
- "If you go back to the think that produced this diseased condition, the symptom will return..."
- "The laws of cause and affect, like all spiritual laws, are there for your protection...
- "You can't live lovelessly whether you are an individual or a nation..."
- "Your problem is not that you do not believe in love. Your problem is that you do not believe in love only..."
- "Can you imagine Jesus going, 'I have my limits.'? Can you imagine Buddha going, 'I have my limits.'?"
- "Love is only real when it is limitless..."
- "Karma is colletive..."
- "All a nation is, is a collection of individuals..."
- "We grow through the oops..."
- "Every thought creates form on some level..."
- "Look at all the hate vibrations that get put into the world... We are really good at it."
- "Nothing is going to change until we change on the level of cause..."
- "Some people would rather die than change their minds..."
- "If we don't do it, then who do we think is going go do it. So it begins inside us..."
- "At the deepest level, the solution lays beyond the body..."
- "These are not discrete events..."
- "We can support each other in leaning in to the ways of enlightenment..."
- "The Universe keeps a perfect set of books..."
- "A real spiritual seeker is a spiritual grown-up..."
- "Enough with the fake horror..."
- "It's not about that, grow up..."
- "It doesn't matter where you got your character defects, what matters is they are your now..."
- "We place ourselves in service to our country and to our world..."
- "And we know we are joined by millions of other people who feel as we do..."
- "There is no more powerful doing than changing one's mind..."
- "And we glory in this change of mind..."
- "And devoting ourselves to being part of the change..."
- "And knowing countries too can change..."
- "Love, not any other goal, shall be the goal of our lives. And the goal of our nations. And the goal of our species..."
- "The trajectory of history shall change..."
- "And tears shall be no more..."
- "So we present ourselves to you, use us, work through us..."
- "...For the Peace that ends all War."
- "The love that rules all things..."
Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, - hopes we have put 'Mein Kampf' back to - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Have a great day; Peace is possible!Thank you,Gunnar Larson--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 3:58 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 9:50 AM Gunnar Larson <> - is watching the United States of America’s visit to Saudi Arabia today; With high hopes for a Peaceful and productive diplomatic visit.Decoding Arbitral Disputes: Equal Rights Limit State Immunity
The Court of Appeal of England and Wales' recent determination that Spain’s London embassy could not dodge a former U.K.-based employee’s discrimination claims by invoking sovereign immunity reaffirms its position that employment and human rights should come before the privileges of foreign powers, says Josep Galvez at 4-5 Gray’s Inn.
The United States Secretary of State should not be hampered by the Mayor of New York City and -'s close connection to Nicosia, - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Thank you,Gunnar Larson--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 8:26 AM Gunnar Larson <> -'s emails will continue, even with no e-mail response from IAB.Given New York City Mayor Eric Adams' tumultuous administration, and baseless attacks against our founder, Gunnar Larson; - is proud to share the below information with IAB:Gov't Botched Procurement Over Late Email, Service Co. Says
By Eddie Beaver
A communications services provider has alleged in court filings that the Department for Work and Pensions botched a procurement process by thinking it had to disqualify the company for failing to respond to an email. -'s e-mails to IAB are everything but disqualifying.Today, - renews our commitment to and appreciation of the NYDP, FDNY and New York State Troopers.Today, - also displays our unwavering support to the United States Military, under a hopeful banner of World - hopes to work with the NYPD, FDNY, New York State Troppers and the United States Military well into the future; Beyond war making.Potentially, delving into Peace Making together.After all, New York Human Rights Law mentions "Peace Officers" and "Police Officers" - shares 83 highlights to New York State, Executive Law, Article 15,HUMAN RIGHTS LAW for IAB's reference: Ms. - is here Governor Hochul and eveybody in the Executive Chamber during this time of New York State and New York City innovation.May Governor Hochul have everything she needs from - today and well into the - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Respectfully yours,Gunnar Larson ✌️--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Sun, Feb 16, 2025, 8:53 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:Seems like there is new price gouging at City Hall this - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Complying With Calif. Price-Gouging Law After LA Fires
The recent tragic Los Angeles fires have brought attention to the state's sometimes controversial price-gouging protections, and every California business should keep the law's requirements in mind, despite the debate over whether these statutes help consumers, say attorneys at Cooley.
Thank you,Gunnar ✌️On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:43 PM Gunnar Larson <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.3rd Circ. Says Parents Can't Get Coverage In Gun Case
By Ganesh Setty
A couple whose son was found guilty of two homicides is not entitled to coverage from two homeowners insurers for a civil suit filed by one victim's mother, the Third Circuit affirmed, finding the civil case accused the parents of intentionally concealing the firearm their son allegedly used.
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Thank you,Gunnar Larson ✌️--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 7:42 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:Another prank call from Gunnar - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo'
By Frank G. Runyeon
Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
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Thank you,Gunnar ✌️--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:04 PM Gunnar Larson <> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit
By Rae Ann Varona
An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially true.
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Thank you,Gunnar Larson ✌️--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:19 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:Gunnar Larson's experts on hire have analysis:Thank you,Analysis
Madigan Verdict Caps Stunning Fall For Powerful Chicago Pol
By Celeste Bott
Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan's conviction Wednesday on bribery and wire fraud charges marked a stunning fall from grace for a man who was the longest-serving legislative leader in the country and who wielded considerable influence in the state and the city of Chicago for decades.
Gunnar LarsonOn Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:30 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Madam Attorney General - understands that Mayor Adams engaged something titled "opportunity bonds" to help fund his crime spree via alleged bribes.Mayor Adams' "opportunity bonds" seem to be a hot topic Governor Hochul may need to brief the public on.Insider Dealing Suspect Denies Illegally Profiting From Trades
By Sophia Dourou
A man appeared at a criminal court in London on Thursday to deny using inside information to profit from oil and gas stocks over a four-year period.
Madam Attorney General James, foul play with anything like "opportunity bonds" takes away from the topics that really matter, such as PRE-K and the abortion - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Thank you,Gunnar Larson--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 5:56 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Madam Attorney General Letitia James:NULL and VOID NYPD reports are seemingly being held captive by a hostile Mayor with cruel intentions.
Additionally, the NYDFS Superintendent Harris' hire of Gomdman Sachs signals trouble at Wells Fargo ... And elsewhere.
Atty Says Ex-Partner Filed Bogus Police Report Over Router
By Aaron Keller
Connecticut attorney Ryan McKeen made "material misrepresentations" when reporting his ex-law partner Andrew Garza to the police for entering their former firm's office early one morning to retrieve an internet router, Garza told a state court judge in a renewed bid for sanctions against McKeen.
2 documents attached | Read full article » | - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Thank you,Gunnar Larson--Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org646-554-7514On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 6:27 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Dear IAB, NYDFS and NYAG:It is time for Eric Adams to think about facing the music; hence then coming clean to IAB, NYDFS and NYAG.This act may save many lives.BREAKING: DOJ Moves To Drop Eric Adams Bribery Case
By Rachel Scharf
The U.S. Department of Justice has moved to drop public corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, an extraordinary development in the wake of a public courtship between the embattled mayor and President Donald Trump. - and "Gunnar Larson" are subject to fake (in terms of content), "non-signed" police reports.Financier Bids To Resurrect HMRC Bungled Prosecution Claim
By Ronan Barnard
A corporate financier sought permission Monday to challenge a decision to dismiss his claim against HM Revenue and Customs and the Crown Prosecution Service for wrongly prosecuting him, arguing that the judge had failed to properly consider the evidence.
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Madam Attorney General Letitia James:
NULL and VOID NYPD reports are seemingly being held captive by a hostile Mayor with cruel intentions.
Additionally, the NYDFS Superintendent Harris' hire of Gomdman Sachs signals trouble at Wells Fargo ... And elsewhere.
212 Highlights from the Entrapment Controversy offers IAB, NYDFS, NYAG and the Executive Chamber helpful tools:
The Entrapment Controversy
Roger C. Par
Title: The Entrapment Controversy
Source: Minnesota Law Review
Citation: 60 Minn. L. Rev. 163 (1976).
Thank you, kindly,
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter - Bank.org917-580-8053On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <> - is happy, marking today February 10, 2025 as exhausting New York State options concerning Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting (origionally started March 10, 2023).On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 9:12 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:Dear Madam Attorney General - is happy, marking today February 10, 2025 as exhausting New York State options concerning Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting (origionally started March 10, 2023).A headline today fitting for the occasion:NJ AG Seeks To Escape Retaliation Suit Over Alleged Fraud
By Rose Krebs
The New Jersey Attorney General's Office is urging a state judge to reconsider a ruling that denied its bid to escape a lawsuit accusing the Warren County Prosecutor's Office of retaliating against two officers for their part in uncovering an alleged fraud scheme, saying the office cannot be held liable for the purported misconduct.
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Attorney General James, please find -'s origional March 10, 2023 Memorandum here:
March 10, 2023BY ELECTRONIC MAILMs. Camille Joseph VarlackOffice of the Mayor of New York CityCity Hall Park, 260 BroadwayNew York, NY 10007 United StatesRe: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin ToutingDear Ms. Joseph Varlack:Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or individual who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and amount of compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital asset innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York City damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example, devaluing it through parody or sealed via embossed criticism) - concerns made above have evidentiary support to interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the world's most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must adhere to federal securities laws.As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of compensation associated.A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New York City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon EST.Respectfully yours with appreciation,Gunnar Larson - - Bank.orgMSc - Digital CurrencyMBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-917-580-8053On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:34 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:Yes, Mr. Adams sought consultancy of a Joe Biden linked romance conspiracy, with fraudulent claims of HIV/AIDS against Gunnar Larson.Fla. Panel Rules Atty Imposter Scam Suit Had Invalid Service
By David Minsky
A Florida appellate court has reversed a judgment against a New Jersey real estate agent who was accused in a lawsuit of posing as an attorney and intercepting a $930,000 wire transfer meant to close on a Miami-area property, saying service was invalid.
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Given international peace and diplomacy mandates at, we are in no real position to foster any potential confusion of potential war crimes and viral mutations with a willfully negligent NATO and United States Attorney General Garland.NATO, Joe Biden and Eric Adams acted as imposters to fule international crimes that require the NYPD to seek Mayor Adams' resignation.Gunnar LarsonOn Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:05 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:At the request of -, plausible deniability is requested in connection to Mayor Adams, NATO and a purported Cyprus market event where I hold significant ties.Thank you,No Bail For Ex-Federal Reserve Adviser In Espionage Case
By Elliot Weld
A former senior adviser to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors was ordered to be detained by a D.C. judge Wednesday at the request of prosecutors who warned that his significant ties to China put him at high risk of fleeing his charges of stealing classified information for that nation.
Gunnar LarsonOn Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 7:38 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:EDX is in Florida, while OKX is in Hong Kong. The Mayors' NYCCOIN and MIA Coin traded on OKX in Hong Kong, using POX technology against the purity of the Bitcoin blockchain.SEC 'Exposes Lunacy' Through Its Dueling Suits, PE Firm Says
By Catherine Marfin
A South Carolina private equity fund said Thursday the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is trying to gut it through a Florida lawsuit, telling a Texas judge the commission made "out of touch statements" on how the litigation will harm its business.
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Given international peace and diplomacy mandates at, we are in no real position to foster any potential confusion with eCNY and xNY given the NYPD's loose EuthereumMAX association and SEC penalty.Soon, - may need to treat NYCCOIN like EuthereumMAX by exploring remedies in Hong Kong, to meet OKX's regulatory regime.The aim is to recover any remedies of Mayor Adams' promotion of - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.Thank you,Gunnar LarsonOn Tue, Feb 4, 2025, 5:07 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:IAB:No word from the NYPD on Bernardo is dishonest.