On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 04:37:29AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Thu, 17 Dec 2020 18:01:28 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Create your world, and consider perhaps just a little less denigration of those who try in sincerity to create theirs. Come on. You should know better than trying to take me for an idiot.
You keep externalising your own authority (see below) - and sometimes you're so quick to judge that you appear foolish (did not even check `whois jim.com`), though some recognise that which is behind such angsty accusations and know we must humbly forgive one another. I'm not taking you for an idiot, not even suggesting you're an idiot - far from it in fact! SOMEtimes you externalise your own authority, such as "I always wondered what it would take to get a short domain like jim.com" (note those words "to get" and the context you used them in), and sometimes you denigrate your target based on the most superficial point-scoring you can find from the words they used. I could here give one of many such examples and throw "don't take me for an idiot" right back at you. But that would be counter productive to the kind of world I would like to live in - I see you as very useful, occasionally because of, but usually despite, your relentless anger directed at just about everyone; as coderman once wrote, you are "on point as often aggressive and oppositional" [paraphrased]. There is actually a name for this way of being: ODD, or Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Yes ODD has it's occasional uses but often times when you are defiant to everyone and oppose everything (almost), all the time, you do detract from your own authority: failure to tease out the finer details ('nuance') in the meagre attempts others make at what normal people call 'communication', may be seen as lazy, and is also counter productive. You showed a lot of patience with Karl - this was heartwarming, and more props to you. This ODD you live so vociferously, is also a protective mechanism - so how can we be (morally) anything but sympathetic to you for this? We get that there is a sense of dignity in narrow "certainty", yet there is so much more to be had in actually reaching across to another in this little reality we find ourselves in and succeeding in an actual meeting of minds. Good luck Punk, we are to a greater or lesser degree in this together,