I have to chuckle about these people complaining about fake news. Let's say there are two problems:1. People promoting fake news.2. People FAILING to promote GENUINE news.The MSM (mainstream media) just spent about a year avoiding telling the truth about Hillary Clinton, and her corruption. (I won't list the details; no point). It misled the public enormously. Why, then, should we pay attention to its complaints (and those of others) who are claiming that false facts are being pushed?Further, I should point out that "fake" news would tend to not exist in an environment in which the MSM actually covered such negative news. The problem, as I see it, is that UNLIKE previous election cycles, and non-election coverage, in 2015-2016 the MSM took a very biased position, and avoided covering embarrassing and incriminating facts. This was especially true in the last few months of the campaign.