On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 1:20 AM, Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com> wrote:
Probably. Well, not technically hacked but if they can't keep track of payments going out and hardware going in, it makes you wonder if they haven't also gotten extra shipments of compromised hardware. (did we order this? who cares, not my department, just plug it into the network)
Tis quite suspect how one hardly ever hears of certain entities and sectors being hacked ... Big Social, Secret Intel / Gov, Utilities, and especially... Banks, Exchanges, the large fiat world financial things. The things that must be held out at all costs as being secure in order to inspire confidence / trust in the system, to maintain the status quo and avoid emergence of new models. While statistically speaking... in all likelihood they have, and are... from time to time, hacked, quite severely, from inside and out. ... then a leak happens, the secrets get out ... the spinning, reckoning, and rendering occurs.
Eh. Oh well.