On 08/05/2017 09:24 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 08:53:28AM -0700, Razer wrote:
13.7 billion years ago, the Big Bang brought the universe into existence. 3.8 billion years ago, life first appeared on our planet. 1.9 million years ago, Earth witnessed a hominid species, Home erectus, walking upright for the first time.
I don't believe a single character of this approximate speculation.
----------------- --------- Ok then... Try this on...
Why don't we ever challenge the spherical earth theory?"
"Look," Joe said. "If all the scientists and eggheads and commies and liberals are pushing it in our schools all the time, there must be something a little fishy about it.
Did you ever stop to think that there's no way— just no way at all— to reconcile a spherical earth with the story of the Flood, or Joshua's miracle, or Jesus standing on the pinnacle of the Temple and seeing all the kingdoms of the earth? And I ask you, man to man, in all your travels have you ever seen the curvature anywhere? Every place I've been is flat. Are we going to trust the Bible and the evidence of our own senses, or are we going to listen to a bunch of agnostics and atheists in laboratory smocks?"
"But the earth's shadow on the moon during an eclipse . . ."
Joe took a dime out of his pocket and held it up. 'This casts a circular shadow, but it's flat, not spherical."
Cotex stared into space for a long moment, while Joe waited with suppressed excitement.
"You know something?" Cotex said finally, "all the Bible miracles and our own travels and the shadow on the moon would make sense if the earth was shaped like a carrot and all the continents were on the flat end—"
Illuminatus! - Robert Shea-Robert Anton Wilson