General update/reply... - None of the projects in question have replied to any question being asked of them. - Goldbug has now deleted their sourceforge mailing list altogether, further hiding themselves from public inquiry on record. - The goldbug page was twice deleted off wikipedia since the 23rd. That makes at least three times now. - 'Alexis Megas' on SF used to be called 'Calvin', that's on archive.org. Yes, just as they link out to bogus 'reviews' for 'support', you could put 'references', 'controversy' sections into all their articles on wikipedia, and say the same things in the 'talk' subpages. That seems to be within WP policy if done in objective fashion. No, I wouldn't bother with creating a site dedicated to them. Instead, create a site to list all the questionable crypto products being foisted as new hotness onto the public. Further, contrasting with and pointing to well proven ones that already exist in any similar feature space/matrix. prism-break.org doesn't really go far in its depth/breadth/quantity, nor call out unconscionable practices, etc for public crypto products... that's not their purpose. So there's project oppurtunity there for someone who wants it. Bowing out.