On Dec 12, 2016 1:06 AM, "ilsa" <ilsa.bartlett@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did not click on the link and just never would. I stood next to Aaron's brother in a hackathon in honor of The Work.
> The Work touches my heart.
> I wear my Grace Host shirt proudly. Any person can kick dust in the road and hope it mixes with some s*%t of the shit kicker and get traction... and lookie ..Is this success? Where any attention, either good or bad, is worth the bucket.
> I am pulling for the next Aaron kind of guy with a great vision steps forward fearlessly to lead all us wanna bees forward in the foot steps of dear dear gentle Aaron and his kind gentle family and friends.
> smile, Ruby

I do love Aaron's brother, my dear Ruby.  He is pretty sweet, so amazingly kind and adorable like Aaron and their family.  And his messages are always fun!  I think the whole family have a wonderful sense of humour.  Aaron was fun too!  ;)

Some of Aaron's dearest friends are my friends and heroes too.  Their intelligence, gentleness and kindness always inspire me.  I could die for some of them right now because I know they are a greater good to this world, to our future.  I dream of a better world, my dear.

Tender hugs and kisses.  And sweet smiles, of course.  :)
