grarpamp, your posts are awesome work! Thank you.
My posts, while noting obvious news for those without insight, are otherwise complete garbage, and are rightly offtopic filtered straight to trash by most. Further, hardly any discussions ever ensue from anyone's post, quite a very sad state of affairs given the variety of relatively charter relavant topics posted by whoever, for which 90% of your posts are completely offtopic and should be shitcanned by readers as such. Anyway, it is quite reasonably doubtful that any so called "Cypherpunks" or "Crypto Anarchists" or even any lesser Libertarians even exist here, at least effectively none who are remotely capable of bringing that game out to the public speaking activism sphere on how, among other things, that Peace Love and Crypto-Anarchism could work to bring a better world regarding any number of charter related topics, perhaps starting with simple AnCap Voluntaryism, or even just basic An-*. No, the list is more full of disgustingly silent Leeches, Journos searching for their next story, harvesting bots, sadistic Agents looking for their next entrapped life ruining and pointless bust, and GovCorp surveillance to preempt game and get 1-up headoff lead on future developments in history.
prayer, or more prayer
Prayer is for the meek who shall not inherit anything in this Earth but their own sheepledom. Cypherpunks are not sheep, they write code and execute [on] program. Stop being fucking sheep.